Looking for a new listen that combines the serious with the fun? One that offers REAL stories of hard life shit with educational information? Look no further than SHARING OUT LOUD, a podcast hosted by a sober woman who got tired of staying silent about her alcoholism and sobriety, and frankly, everything else in life. A woman who spent so much of her life being told she was "too much," "too aggressive," "too loud," and "polarizing," that she never allowed herself to be 100% true to who she was, until now. She decided it was time to start SHARING OUT LOUD, and when she did everything changed.
Totally authentic, the SHARING OUT LOUD podcast will feature a wide range of guests from sober women, to health and fitness, to the world of energy healing, post-partum depression, women and toxic positivity, and who knows what else! Take a listen, you won't be disappointed!
Why I need to constantly be nurturing my alcoholic brain...
I hope this helps someone who’s sober but going thru some rough times, or really ANYONE who’s going thru a rough patch❤️.
People in recovery who’ve done the work to drill down into WHY they drank aren’t superheroes, we are human, just like everyone else. Do we radiate joy? I’d like to think so😘! We are joyful because our lives are so much better now! Because we’ve done some really, REALLY hard work to overcome the booze and that doesn’t mean willpower, it means drilling deep into our souls to find out why we turned to alcohol to numb and then taking the steps to get better.
The last 30 days have been a literal shit show and normally I can handle it. I take great pride in being able to take the skills I’ve learned in recovery and apply them to everyday “stuff”. But the last month has just been hard and my alcoholic, chaotic, out-of-control brain has taken over and it hasn’t been pretty. Some of it might be the pain I’m in (a torn ligament in my ankle) because damn! Pain can take over in a heartbeat. But I’ve also been shoving all the emotions down, WAY down, and like a volcano, they are always there, even when silent, with the capability to erupt at any moment.
I’m not writing this for attention but rather to show you that even after 5 years of recovery, I still have to live and breathe what the rooms of AA have taught me. I have to be consistent with taking care of myself AND have to ask for help. Holy crap is that hard! Because I think I’m tough. I have 5 years! I can do anything I put my mind to! But humans aren’t meant to be alone. Humans need other humans. We need community.
@beckyparkerrr, thank you for the reminder that I’m not alone and I have to give people the option to make time for me, not just assume people are busy or don’t want to lend an ear❤️. I know you always have “8 minutes” for me😘.
Thank you @catsandjambands for being the sweetest person ever and offering space for me❤️.
And thank you @thedeliberateone and @shewalkscanada for the space you’ve created on the weekly coaching calls. You’re making a world of difference in my life❤️.
One day at a time. One BREATH at a time. This too shall pass❤️.