Heart condition and new mom be damned. Girl's gonna drink.

August 22, 2024 Heather Danby

I have been privileged to get to know Kristi online in the FREE sober coaching meetings through SHE WALKS CANADA. She is one of those FIERCE individuals who is such a bright light -- she is open, honest, and ridiculously funny. She calls it like she sees it and is most certainly on a mission to stay sober. One of my favorite things about Kristi is the constant work she is doing on herself, whether it's a new sober book to read, going hard with the 5AM club, or trying to find a new hobby. Better yet, the way she's working on being a present mom with her daughter.

In the She Walks meetings you only get to know snippets of people's lives so there was a LOT I learned about Kristi in this conversation:

1. Just how serious of a heart condition she has
2. She was also born with a lump on her spine
3. A birth story that rivals mine (ok, hers is WAY WORSE and I thought I was going to pass out as she was telling it)
4. And... so much more

Kristi, thank you for sharing your story. You are a true gift and I am so happy to call you a friend. Your willingness to be open and honest about your abuse of alcohol is going to prompt others to take stock of their life and make them wonder if they too, could transform out of their negative patterns (hint, YES THEY CAN!).

Be sure to follow Kristi's journey on Instagram: